Project Pythia
An education and training hub for the geoscientific Python community
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Project Pythia is the education working group for Pangeo and is an educational resource for the entire geoscience community. Together these initiatives are helping geoscientists make sense of huge volumes of numerical scientific data using tools that facilitate open, reproducible science, and building an inclusive community of practice around these goals.
Project Pythia is a home for Python-centered learning resources that are open-source, community-owned, geoscience-focused, and high-quality.
Project Pythia has several resources for you to use to start learning how to use Python and the technology in the Python ecosystem for the geosciences.
The Foundations Book
The Pythia Foundations Book is a Jupyter Book developed by the Pythia community to act as a comprehensive set of tutorials covering the foundational skills everyone needs to get started with computing in the open-source Python ecosystem. These foundational tutorials will serve as common references for more advanced and domain-specific content to be housed here in the Pythia Portal.
Read the Pythia Foundations BookPythia Cookbooks
Pythia Cookbooks are collections of more advanced and domain-specific example workflows building on top of Pythia Foundations.
Visit Pythia CookbooksThe Resource Gallery
There is a wealth of educational resources out there on the internet for learning Python and how to use it in the geosciences! We have attempted to gather together a curated and filterable list of these resources (including Pythia’s own content) into our Pythia Resource Gallery. Click the link below to see a hand-picked selection of resources for learning at your own pace.
Visit the Pythia Resource GalleryWebinar Tutorial Series
The Pythia Webinar Tutorial Series is hosted regularly by the Project Pythia team. Anyone can join these hour-long, instructor-led interactive tutorials. Participants can sit back and learn, or download a Jupyter Notebook and work along with the instructor. Each seminar is recorded for later viewing on the Project Pythia YouTube channel. Click the link below to view past and upcoming seminars, covering a range of topics from beginning to advanced.
Visit the Pythia Webinar Tutorial SeriesPythia Data Collection
Looking for a free, public domain geoscience data set that you can use to sharpen your skills while learning the Scientific Python Ecosystem? All of the example data used by the Pythia Foundations Book are freely accessible.
Visit the Pythia Data RepositoryIf you have questions or want to share anything with the Project Pythia Team, please reach out to us through the Project Pythia category on the Pangeo Discourse forum or join us at any of our Monthly Project Meetings.
Go to Pangeo DiscourseContributing
Anyone can contribute to and participate in Project Pythia! We conduct all of our work in the open, and all of our work is Open Source Licensed. We welcome contributions from anyone in the community. Please see our Contributor’s Guide for details on how you can get involved, and come see our work in the ProjectPythia GitHub Organization.
Monthly Pythia Meetings
Project Pythia holds regular public meetings via Zoom as scheduled on the calendar below. Do you want to learn about the project, engage with other excited folks, or share your own needs and interests in Python learning? You are welcome and encouraged to join! Unsure where to start? Come to our monthly Pythia Community Meeting for updates, successes, and community participation across the project. For a smaller group and to connect with the project on social media and at conferences, you can also join the monthly Pythia Outreach Meeting. Please find links and information about how to join in the calendar below. We publish all notes and agendas of our Community Meetings and Outreach Meetings.
Meeting & Event Calendar
The material in Project Pythia is licensed for free and open consumption and reuse. All code is served under Apache 2.0, while all non-code content is licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). Effectively, this means you are free to share and adapt this material so long as you give appropriate credit to the Project Pythia community.
To cite this project, please site our NSF GEO OSE proposal. Individual components of the project may be cited separately.
Rose, Brian E. J., Clyne, John, May, Ryan, Munroe, James, Snyder, Amelia, Eroglu, Orhan, & Tyle, Kevin. (2023). Collaborative Research: GEO OSE TRACK 2: Project Pythia and Pangeo: Building an inclusive geoscience community through accessible, reusable, and reproducible workflows. Zenodo.