Running Notebooks on Nimbus

Interested in running your notebooks on ESGF infrastructure? Please follow these steps!

1. Apply for access to the Nimbus Access

Please fill out this form to request access to the Nimbus Jupyterhub!

You will be added to the Nimbus User Group, which is used for authentication!

2. Clone this repository

Once you log into the Jupyterhub (, go to your home directory (shown by default) and clone this repository

git clone

3. Build your Execution Environment

The cookbook environment is slightly different than the base environment available on the hub. You will need to build the required environment, using the environment.yml file in the repository.

conda env create -f esgf-cookbook/environment.yml

Activate Your Environment

Once you build the enivronment, you will need to activate it. You will need to follow the following steps:

# Make sure you can activate the environment
source .bashrc

# Activate the environment
conda activate esgf-cookbook-dev

Open a Notebook and Select the esgf-cookbook-dev environment

Now that you have an environment, you can select this when opening a notebook. Select in the top right corner the kernel options, and select esgf-cookbook-dev.

Wait a second for the notebook to pick up on this, then execute your cells!

If you need to install more packages, or update versions, you can do so by updating your environment.yml file or by installing via the command line.