Hackathon schedule

This is a placeholder draft and will change.

  • All rooms are in the NCAR Mesa Laboratory

  • All times are Mountain Daylight Time, UTC-6 (local time in Boulder CO)

  • The video conference link for the Main Seminar Room was emailed to all participants and available on the Slack welcome channel

Tuesday June 11

  • 9 am: Welcome plenary (Main Seminar Room)

  • 10 am: Project pitches and breakout group organization (Main Seminar Room)

  • 12 pm: Lunch (Cafeteria)

  • 1-4 pm: Hacking (Breakout Rooms)

  • 4 pm: Afternoon debrief (Main Seminar Room)

  • 5 pm: Adjourn

Informal evening socializing

Wednesday June 12

  • 9 am: Morning check-in (Main Seminar Room)

  • 9:30 am: Hacking (Breakout Rooms)

  • 12 pm: Lunch (Cafeteria)

  • 1 pm: Hacking (Breakout Rooms)

  • 2:15 pm: Afternoon debrief (Main Seminar Room)

  • 3 pm: Adjourn early for optional activities (hike or excursion to downtown Boulder)

Thursday June 13

  • 9 am: Morning check-in (Main Seminar Room)

  • 10 am: Hacking (Breakout Rooms)

  • 12:30 pm: Lunch (Cafeteria)

  • 1:30 pm: Hacking (Breakout Rooms)

  • 4 pm: Afternoon debrief (Main Seminar Room)

  • 5 pm: Adjourn

Pythia Cookout (evening social) to follow, details TBD

Friday June 14

  • 9 am: Morning check-in (Main Seminar Room)

  • 9:30 am: Hacking (Breakout Rooms)

  • 12:00 pm: Lunch (Cafeteria)

  • 1:00 Wrap-up plenary and presentations (Main Seminar Room)

  • 2:30 Adjourn