Atmospheric Data: Nino 3 SST Index
Generating a wavelet power and phase spectrum from the time-series data Nino 3 SST Index
Download and Organize Nino 3 SST Data
Wavelet Input Values
Power Spectrum
Phase Spectrum
Concepts |
Importance |
Notes |
Necessary |
Used to plot data |
Necessary |
Used to read in and organize data (in particular dataframes) |
Necessary |
Used to work with large arrays |
Helpful |
Used to work with .wav files and built-in Fast Fourier Transform |
Time to learn: 45 minutes
What is an El Niño?
Wavelets and Atmospheric Data
Weather is a great example of time-series data. Weather varies in cycles of temperature over weeks due to a huge number of variables. Wavelet analysis can be used to find patterns in temperature by analyzing both the temperature and the time when the temperature occurs.
import geocat.datafiles as gcd # accessing nino3 data file
import xarray as xr # working with geocat-datafiles
import numpy as np # working with arrays
import pandas as pd # working with dataframes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plot data
import pywt # PyWavelets
Downloading file 'registry.txt' from '' to '/home/runner/.cache/geocat'.
Download Nino 3 SST Data
We will be downloading the sst_nino3
data from geocat-datafiles
nino3_data = gcd.get('ascii_files/sst_nino3.dat')
nino3_data = np.loadtxt(nino3_data)
Downloading file 'ascii_files/sst_nino3.dat' from '' to '/home/runner/.cache/geocat'.
Plot and View Data
Let’s give the data a look! We have over a hundred years worth of temperature readings.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.title("El Niño Sea Surface Temperature")
plt.xlabel("Years (from 1871)")
plt.ylabel("Sea Surface Temparture Changes")

Update the X-Axis
By default, the loaded data lists the year as time since 1871, we can add a new x-axis to view the years along the x-axis
# Convert default X-axis from time steps of 0-504 (0-len(nino3_data)) to Years
dt = 0.25 # sampling period
start_year = 1871
end_year = 1871 + (len(nino3_data) * dt)
x_tickrange = np.arange(start_year, end_year, dt)
start = int(9 / dt) # 36, starts the x-axis label at 1880 (9 years after start of data)
display_nth = int(20 / dt) # 80, display x-axis label every 20 years
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.title("El Niño Sea Surface Temperature")
plt.ylabel("Sea Surface Temparture Changes")
plt.xticks(range(len(x_tickrange))[start::display_nth], x_tickrange[start::display_nth]) # update x-axis

Wavelet Input Values
Wavelet inputs include:
x: Input time-series data (for example, the time and temperature data from nino3)
wavelet: mother wavelet name
dt: sampling period (time between each y-value)
s0: smallest scale
dj: spacing between each discrete scales
jtot: largest scale
dt = 0.25 # sampling period (time between each y-value)
s0 = 0.25 # smallest scale
dj = 0.25 # spacing between each discrete scales
jtot = 64 # largest scale
Define Complex Morlet
A complex Morlet allows us to define both the bandwidth and the center frequency that the Morlet wavelet will be built from to produce optimal results.
Here you can learn more about how PyWavelets
configures Complex Morlet wavelets
Below you can see how changing the bandwidth and center frequency will change how the mother Complex Morlet wavelet’s shape is formed. The shape of the wavelet will impact which frequencies it is sensitive to.
wavelets = [f"cmor{x:.1f}-{y:.1f}" for x in [0.5, 1.5, 2.5] for y in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for ax, wavelet in zip(axs.flatten(), wavelets):
[psi, x] = pywt.ContinuousWavelet(wavelet).wavefun(10)
ax.plot(x, np.real(psi), label="real")
ax.plot(x, np.imag(psi), label="imag")
ax.set_xlim([-5, 5])
ax.set_ylim([-0.8, 1])
plt.suptitle("Complex Morlet Wavelets with different center frequencies and bandwidths from PyWavelets")

Changing the bandwidth and center frequency can be a useful tool to optimize how well the mother wavelet will be able to find frequencies in the data.
Below you will see how different values for bandwidth and center frequency can lead to greater or poorer resolution of the same signal.
# Code below from:
def gaussian(x, x0, sigma):
return np.exp(-np.power((x - x0) / sigma, 2.0) / 2.0)
def make_chirp(t, t0, a):
frequency = (a * (t + t0)) ** 2
chirp = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t)
return chirp, frequency
def plot_wavelet(time, data, wavelet, title, ax):
widths = np.geomspace(1, 1024, num=75)
cwtmatr, freqs = pywt.cwt(
data, widths, wavelet, sampling_period=np.diff(time).mean()
cwtmatr = np.abs(cwtmatr[:-1, :-1])
pcm = ax.pcolormesh(time, freqs, cwtmatr)
ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
plt.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax)
return ax
# generate signal
time = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
chirp1, frequency1 = make_chirp(time, 0.2, 9)
chirp2, frequency2 = make_chirp(time, 0.1, 5)
chirp = chirp1 + 0.6 * chirp2
chirp *= gaussian(time, 0.5, 0.2)
# perform CWT with different wavelets on same signal and plot results
wavelets = [f"cmor{x:.1f}-{y:.1f}" for x in [0.5, 1.5, 2.5] for y in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True)
for ax, wavelet in zip(axs.flatten(), wavelets):
plot_wavelet(time, chirp, wavelet, wavelet, ax)
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
plt.suptitle("Scalograms of the same signal with different wavelets")

For this example, we will be using a complex Morlet with a bandwidth of 1.5 and a center frequency of 1
bandwidth = 1.5
center_freq = 1
wavelet_mother = f"cmor{bandwidth}-{center_freq}"
Applying Wavelets
scales = np.arange(1, jtot + 1, dj)
wavelet_coeffs, freqs = pywt.cwt(
data=nino3_data, scales=scales, wavelet=wavelet_mother, sampling_period=dt
Power Spectrum
The power spectrum is the real component of the wavelet coefficients. We can find this value by squaring the absolute value of the wavelet_coeffs
to return the magnitude of the real component to make a better graph.
power = np.power((abs(wavelet_coeffs)), 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# Plot contour around data
power, vmax=(power).max(), vmin=(power).min(), levels=10
plt.contour(power, levels=10, colors="k", linewidths=0.5, alpha=0.75)
# Plot Scalogram
power, vmax=(power).max(), vmin=(power).min(), aspect="auto"
plt.xticks(range(len(x_tickrange))[start::display_nth], x_tickrange[start::display_nth])
plt.title("El Niño Wavelet Power Spectrum")

The power spectrum above demonstrates a strong peak (in yellow) at 50 that represents an interesting consistent pattern across the decades of atmosphere data.
Phase Spectrum
While less commonly used, the phase spectrum is the imaginary component of the wavelet.
# compare the phase spectrum
phase = np.angle(wavelet_coeffs)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# Convert Y-Axis from default to symmetrical log (symlog) with labels
ax.set_yticks([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
ax.set_yticklabels([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
# Plot scalogram
phase, vmax=(phase).max(), vmin=(phase).min(), aspect="auto"
# Convert default X-axis from time steps of 0-504 (0-len(sst_data)) to Years
start_year = 1871
end_year = 1871 + (len(nino3_data) * dt)
x_tickrange = np.arange(start_year, end_year, dt)
start = int(9 / dt) # 36, starts the x-axis label at 1880 (9 years after start of data)
display_nth = int(20 / dt) # 80, display x-axis label every 20 years
plt.xticks(range(len(x_tickrange))[start::display_nth], x_tickrange[start::display_nth])
plt.title("El Niño Wavelet Phase Spectrum")

Frequency signals appear in more than just audio! A frequency analysis of weather data can inform us about how weather trends change through a year and over a decades worth of data.