Clouds over SGP for April 4, 2019

Looking at LASSO data for April 4, 2019 to see meterological data and calculate cloud base and cloud top.


from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import xwrf

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Bring in the data

Here is the raw model output from LASSO.

path_shcu_root = "/data/project/ARM_Summer_School_2024_Data/lasso_tutorial/ShCu/untar"  # on Jupyter

case_date = datetime(2019, 4, 4)
sim_id = 7

ds_stat = xr.open_dataset(f"{path_shcu_root}/{case_date:%Y%m%d}/sim{sim_id:04d}/raw_model/wrfstat_d01_{case_date:%Y-%m-%d_12:00:00}.nc")

ds_stat["Time"] = ds_stat["XTIME"]

Find the indices of the boundary layer depth - in case we happen to care about that later

ds_stat["bottom_top"] = ds_stat.bottom_top
ki = ds_stat['CSP_THL'].idxmin(dim='bottom_top')
<xarray.DataArray 'bottom_top' (Time: 91)> Size: 728B
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,
        2.,  2.,  2.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  2.,  2.,  2.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  4.,
        4.,  4.,  5.,  5.,  5.,  5.,  5.,  6.,  6.,  7.,  7.,  7.,  7.,
        8., 10., 12., 13., 13., 12., 12., 12., 11., 11., 11., 10., 11.,
       11., 11., 10., 11., 10., 10., 10., 10., 10., 10., 10.,  9.,  9.,
        9.,  9.,  8.,  8.,  7.,  7.,  6.,  6.,  4.,  3.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])
    XTIME    (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B 2019-04-04T12:00:00 ... 2019-04-05T03...
Dimensions without coordinates: Time

Let’s look at some meteorological info for this date

plot_ql = ds_stat['CSP_QL'].assign_coords(height = (ds_stat["CSP_Z"]))
plot_ql.isel(Time=slice(6,None)).plot(x = 'Time',y = 'height', ylim=[0,7000])
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7fab40e4f7d0>
plot_lwc = ds_stat['CSP_LWC'].assign_coords(height = (ds_stat["CSP_Z"]))
plot_lwc.isel(Time=slice(6,None)).plot(x = 'Time',y = 'height', ylim=[0,7000])
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7fab32a82090>
plot_thl = ds_stat['CSP_TH'].assign_coords(height = (ds_stat["CSP_Z"]))
plot_thl.isel(Time=slice(6,None)).plot(x = 'Time',y = 'height', ylim=[0,7000],vmin=298,vmax=320)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7fab40c3b0d0>

Fix some height things so that we can plot…

The z values are time dependent, so we need to deal with the height values by assuming that the first time step is close enough

We also need to make bottom_top a coordinate so that we aren’t yelled at by errors

ds_stat["bottom_top"] = ds_stat.bottom_top
ds_stat['bottom_top'] = ds_stat['CSP_Z'].isel(Time = 1).values
ds_stat['bottom_top'].values # make sure that these are heights and not indicies
array([   15.215184,    45.605114,    75.94632 ,   106.27506 ,
         136.59618 ,   166.91183 ,   197.23079 ,   227.55254 ,
         257.86115 ,   288.1541  ,   318.44684 ,   348.74237 ,
         379.03595 ,   409.33054 ,   439.62314 ,   469.91293 ,
         500.20493 ,   530.4964  ,   560.79016 ,   591.11    ,
         621.4132  ,   651.6837  ,   681.9462  ,   712.2066  ,
         742.4813  ,   772.7549  ,   803.0155  ,   833.27167 ,
         863.53253 ,   893.79333 ,   924.05646 ,   954.3343  ,
         984.625   ,  1014.9191  ,  1045.2263  ,  1075.5452  ,
        1105.8611  ,  1136.1669  ,  1166.4724  ,  1196.7739  ,
        1227.061   ,  1257.3391  ,  1287.613   ,  1317.8835  ,
        1348.1545  ,  1378.427   ,  1408.7014  ,  1438.9777  ,
        1469.2583  ,  1499.5316  ,  1529.7927  ,  1560.058   ,
        1590.3406  ,  1620.6185  ,  1650.8711  ,  1681.1194  ,
        1711.373   ,  1741.6282  ,  1771.863   ,  1802.084   ,
        1832.3059  ,  1862.5199  ,  1892.7288  ,  1922.9358  ,
        1953.1406  ,  1983.3519  ,  2013.5719  ,  2043.8057  ,
        2074.0422  ,  2104.2583  ,  2134.4634  ,  2164.6702  ,
        2194.8755  ,  2225.0752  ,  2255.268   ,  2285.4622  ,
        2315.6643  ,  2345.861   ,  2376.0405  ,  2406.2173  ,
        2436.3982  ,  2466.58    ,  2496.766   ,  2526.9626  ,
        2557.1538  ,  2587.3315  ,  2617.5088  ,  2647.6782  ,
        2677.8381  ,  2708.0024  ,  2738.185   ,  2768.3545  ,
        2798.5044  ,  2828.6675  ,  2858.8428  ,  2889.018   ,
        2919.1719  ,  2949.3062  ,  2979.443   ,  3009.5776  ,
        3039.703   ,  3069.83    ,  3099.9514  ,  3130.066   ,
        3160.1882  ,  3190.3154  ,  3220.4434  ,  3250.5742  ,
        3280.702   ,  3310.8237  ,  3340.931   ,  3371.0188  ,
        3401.102   ,  3431.1902  ,  3461.293   ,  3491.3945  ,
        3521.4683  ,  3551.5403  ,  3581.6167  ,  3611.6907  ,
        3641.769   ,  3671.8528  ,  3701.933   ,  3732.0137  ,
        3762.0945  ,  3792.1685  ,  3822.2473  ,  3852.3481  ,
        3882.4512  ,  3912.5269  ,  3942.5942  ,  3972.6646  ,
        4002.7378  ,  4032.811   ,  4062.8813  ,  4092.9517  ,
        4123.02    ,  4153.09    ,  4183.161   ,  4213.229   ,
        4243.2993  ,  4273.3696  ,  4303.4385  ,  4333.5093  ,
        4363.5786  ,  4393.6553  ,  4423.735   ,  4453.8096  ,
        4483.88    ,  4513.9585  ,  4544.05    ,  4574.1533  ,
        4604.2773  ,  4634.3887  ,  4664.45    ,  4694.4854  ,
        4724.5103  ,  4754.531   ,  4784.547   ,  4814.564   ,
        4844.583   ,  4874.598   ,  4904.608   ,  4934.618   ,
        4964.6323  ,  4994.6475  ,  5024.664   ,  5055.481   ,
        5087.9473  ,  5122.214   ,  5158.3315  ,  5196.3467  ,
        5236.46    ,  5278.7236  ,  5323.2344  ,  5370.1943  ,
        5419.6626  ,  5471.841   ,  5526.9717  ,  5585.007   ,
        5646.068   ,  5710.3896  ,  5778.146   ,  5849.596   ,
        5924.9067  ,  6004.247   ,  6087.865   ,  6176.043   ,
        6268.9814  ,  6366.915   ,  6470.13    ,  6578.867   ,
        6693.4404  ,  6814.2485  ,  6941.7056  ,  7076.026   ,
        7217.5884  ,  7366.8086  ,  7524.0337  ,  7689.741   ,
        7864.397   ,  8048.4517  ,  8242.3955  ,  8446.839   ,
        8662.638   ,  8890.157   ,  9130.356   ,  9383.886   ,
        9650.805   ,  9932.354   , 10227.337   , 10527.948   ,
       10828.727   , 11129.923   , 11431.03    , 11731.875   ,
       12032.737   , 12333.832   , 12635.557   , 12937.003   ,
       13237.864   , 13538.295   , 13838.356   , 14138.922   ,
       14440.3545  , 14719.19    ], dtype=float32)

Calculate cloud base and top from the liquid water conent and the liquid water mixing ratio

ds_stat['cb_lwc'] = (ds_stat['CSP_LWC']>0).idxmax(dim = 'bottom_top')
ds_stat['cb_lwc'] = ds_stat['cb_lwc'].where(ds_stat['cb_lwc']>ds_stat['bottom_top'][0])

ds_stat['ct_lwc'] = ((ds_stat['CSP_LWC'].isel(bottom_top = slice(None, None, -1)))>0).idxmax(dim='bottom_top')
ds_stat['ct_lwc'] = ds_stat['ct_lwc'].where(ds_stat['ct_lwc']<ds_stat['bottom_top'][-1])
<xarray.DataArray 'cb_lwc' (Time: 91)> Size: 364B
array([       nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,  742.4813 ,  772.7549 ,
        772.7549 ,  803.0155 ,  833.27167,  863.53253,  893.79333,
        833.27167,  863.53253,  863.53253,  863.53253,  833.27167,
        651.6837 ,  742.4813 ,  772.7549 ,  651.6837 ,  469.91293,
        681.9462 ,  893.79333,  803.0155 ,  984.625  ,  651.6837 ,
        954.3343 ,  621.4132 , 1075.5452 , 1075.5452 , 1105.8611 ,
       1105.8611 , 1136.1669 , 1136.1669 , 1136.1669 , 1166.4724 ,
       1166.4724 , 1166.4724 , 1166.4724 , 1196.7739 , 1196.7739 ,
       1196.7739 , 1196.7739 , 1196.7739 , 1227.061  , 1257.3391 ,
       1227.061  , 1317.8835 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 ,
       1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 ,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan], dtype=float32)
    XTIME    (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B ...
  * Time     (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B 2019-04-04T12:00:00 ... 2019-04-05T03...
<xarray.DataArray 'ct_lwc' (Time: 91)> Size: 364B
array([      nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,  803.0155,  954.3343, 1075.5452,
       1227.061 , 1378.427 , 1499.5316, 1560.058 , 1620.6185, 1741.6282,
       1741.6282, 1802.084 , 1862.5199, 1892.7288, 1922.9358, 1922.9358,
       2074.0422, 2043.8057, 1983.3519, 1983.3519, 1953.1406, 1953.1406,
       1983.3519, 2013.5719, 2013.5719, 2013.5719, 1983.3519, 2013.5719,
       2013.5719, 1953.1406, 1983.3519, 1953.1406, 1953.1406, 1953.1406,
       2043.8057, 1953.1406, 1983.3519, 1862.5199, 1892.7288, 1862.5199,
       1832.3059, 1771.863 , 1741.6282, 1681.1194, 1681.1194, 1650.8711,
       1620.6185, 1560.058 , 1529.7927, 1469.2583, 1438.9777, 1408.7014,
       1378.427 ,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan], dtype=float32)
    XTIME    (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B ...
  * Time     (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B 2019-04-04T12:00:00 ... 2019-04-05T03...
ds_stat['cb_lwc'].plot(label='base',ylim = (0,7000),xlim = (ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[6],ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[-1]))
ds_stat['ct_lwc'].plot(label='top',ylim = (0,7000),xlim = (ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[6],ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[-1]))
plt.ylabel('Height (m)')
plt.xlabel('Time (UTC)')
ds_stat['cb_ql'] = (ds_stat['CSP_LWC']>0).idxmax(dim = 'bottom_top')
ds_stat['cb_ql'] = ds_stat['cb_ql'].where(ds_stat['cb_ql']>ds_stat['bottom_top'][0])

ds_stat['ct_ql'] = ((ds_stat['CSP_LWC'].isel(bottom_top = slice(None, None, -1)))>0).idxmax(dim='bottom_top')
ds_stat['ct_ql'] = ds_stat['ct_ql'].where(ds_stat['ct_ql']<ds_stat['bottom_top'][-1])
<xarray.DataArray 'cb_ql' (Time: 91)> Size: 364B
array([       nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,  742.4813 ,  772.7549 ,
        772.7549 ,  803.0155 ,  833.27167,  863.53253,  893.79333,
        833.27167,  863.53253,  863.53253,  863.53253,  833.27167,
        651.6837 ,  742.4813 ,  772.7549 ,  651.6837 ,  469.91293,
        681.9462 ,  893.79333,  803.0155 ,  984.625  ,  651.6837 ,
        954.3343 ,  621.4132 , 1075.5452 , 1075.5452 , 1105.8611 ,
       1105.8611 , 1136.1669 , 1136.1669 , 1136.1669 , 1166.4724 ,
       1166.4724 , 1166.4724 , 1166.4724 , 1196.7739 , 1196.7739 ,
       1196.7739 , 1196.7739 , 1196.7739 , 1227.061  , 1257.3391 ,
       1227.061  , 1317.8835 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 ,
       1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 , 1348.1545 ,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan], dtype=float32)
    XTIME    (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B ...
  * Time     (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B 2019-04-04T12:00:00 ... 2019-04-05T03...
<xarray.DataArray 'ct_ql' (Time: 91)> Size: 364B
array([      nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan,       nan,       nan,  803.0155,  954.3343, 1075.5452,
       1227.061 , 1378.427 , 1499.5316, 1560.058 , 1620.6185, 1741.6282,
       1741.6282, 1802.084 , 1862.5199, 1892.7288, 1922.9358, 1922.9358,
       2074.0422, 2043.8057, 1983.3519, 1983.3519, 1953.1406, 1953.1406,
       1983.3519, 2013.5719, 2013.5719, 2013.5719, 1983.3519, 2013.5719,
       2013.5719, 1953.1406, 1983.3519, 1953.1406, 1953.1406, 1953.1406,
       2043.8057, 1953.1406, 1983.3519, 1862.5199, 1892.7288, 1862.5199,
       1832.3059, 1771.863 , 1741.6282, 1681.1194, 1681.1194, 1650.8711,
       1620.6185, 1560.058 , 1529.7927, 1469.2583, 1438.9777, 1408.7014,
       1378.427 ,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,       nan,
             nan], dtype=float32)
    XTIME    (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B ...
  * Time     (Time) datetime64[ns] 728B 2019-04-04T12:00:00 ... 2019-04-05T03...
ds_stat['cb_ql'].plot(label='base',ylim = (0,7000),xlim = (ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[6],ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[-1]))
ds_stat['ct_ql'].plot(label='top',ylim = (0,7000),xlim = (ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[6],ds_stat['CSP_Z'].Time[-1]))
plt.ylabel('Height (m)')
plt.xlabel('Time (UTC)')

They’re the same - how fun!