ESGF Compute Function Service Demo


Prior to this demo, a globus-compute function was registered at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), which has direct file-access to several petabytes of ESGF data. esgf-compute-diagram





Intro to Xarray


Globus Compute Workflows


Understanding of globus compute workflows

Understanding of NetCDF


Familiarity with metadata structure

hvPlot with Xarray


Familiarity with plotting with Xarray and hvPlot

  • Time to learn: 15 minutes


We need to import a few libraries to visualize the output of our data! The rest of the libraries are installed and run on where we defined the function (ALCF).

# Import packages to help with data visualization
import holoviews as hv
import hvplot
import hvplot.xarray

# Import Globus tools
from globus_compute_sdk import Executor

Remotely Execute + Access ENSO Data from CMIP6

Within this demo, we are looking at a pre-defined, vetted function with the function ID of 49cd1ee0-2c4c-45f1-ab78-c4557fa25aa3. For more on globus-compute function registration, please see the globus compute with ENSO example.

For this function, it takes the source_id as an input, one of the facets from CMIP6.

The result is an xarray.Dataset! The aggregation + computation were done on the high-performance computing cluster, only returning the much smaller dataset.

Create Globus compute executor

Make sure you only define the executor once (unless the executor becomes disconnected and needs a restart).

# Define the UUID of the pre-canned ESGF "run_plot_enso" function
run_plot_enso_function_uuid = "49cd1ee0-2c4c-45f1-ab78-c4557fa25aa3"

# Create Globus Compute executor to run computations at ALCF
endpoint_uuid = "cfaf0e98-2ef3-4c5a-9f11-38e306ddbc2e"
gce = Executor(endpoint_id=endpoint_uuid)
gce.amqp_port = 443

Pass in the source_id of Interest

Source IDs available:


  • EC-Earth3-CC

  • MPI-ESM1-2-LR

  • CanESM5

  • MIROC6

  • EC-Earth3

  • CESM2

  • EC-Earth3-Veg

  • NorCPM1

# Select the target source ID
source_id = "MIROC6"

# Trigger remote computation
future = gce.submit_to_registered_function(run_plot_enso_function_uuid, {source_id})

# Wait for result and generate plot from data returned by the Globus Compute executor
ds = future.result()
encountered unknown data fields while reading a result message: {'details'}
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 77kB
Dimensions:            (time: 1980)
  * time               (time) datetime64[ns] 16kB 1850-01-16T12:00:00 ... 201...
    type               (time) |S3 6kB b'sea' b'sea' b'sea' ... b'sea' b'sea'
    month              (time) int64 16kB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Data variables:
    tos                (time) float32 8kB nan nan -0.3451 ... -1.865 nan nan
    tos_gt_04          (time) float32 8kB 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 ... 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
    tos_lt_04          (time) float32 8kB -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 ... -1.865 -0.4 -0.4
    el_nino_threshold  (time) float32 8kB 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 ... 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
    la_nina_threshold  (time) float32 8kB -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 ... -0.4 -0.4 -0.4
Attributes: (12/45)
    Conventions:            CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2
    activity_id:            CMIP
    branch_method:          standard
    branch_time_in_child:   0.0
    branch_time_in_parent:  0.0
    creation_date:          2018-11-30T16:23:03Z
    ...                     ...
    variable_id:            tos
    variant_label:          r1i1p1f1
    license:                CMIP6 model data produced by MIROC is licensed un...
    cmor_version:           3.3.2
    tracking_id:            hdl:21.14100/31c7618d-6a92-400e-8874-c1fbe41abd44
    model:                  MIROC6

Visualize the Dataset Locally

Now that we have the dataset, we can use holoviz tools to create an interactive plot!

def plot_enso(ds):
    el_nino = ds.hvplot.area(x="time", y2='tos_gt_04', y='el_nino_threshold', color='red', hover=False)
    el_nino_label = hv.Text(ds.isel(time=40).time.values, 2, 'El Niño').opts(text_color='red',)

    # Create the La Niña area graphs
    la_nina = ds.hvplot.area(x="time", y2='tos_lt_04', y='la_nina_threshold', color='blue', hover=False)
    la_nina_label = hv.Text(ds.isel(time=-40).time.values, -2, 'La Niña').opts(text_color='blue')

    # Plot a timeseries of the ENSO 3.4 index
    enso = ds.tos.hvplot(x='time', line_width=0.5, color='k', xlabel='Year', ylabel='ENSO 3.4 Index')

    # Combine all the plots into a single plot
    return (el_nino_label * la_nina_label * el_nino * la_nina * enso).opts(title=f'{ds.attrs["model"]} {ds.attrs["source_id"]} \n Ensemble Member: {ds.attrs["variant_label"]}')

What was in the 49cd1ee0-2c4c-45f1-ab78-c4557fa25aa3 function??

Below is the exact code that was registered at ALCF. If you are interested in writing your own compute functions, please review the Globus Compute with ENSO Notebook

Hide code cell source
def run_plot_enso(source_id):
    from intake_esgf.exceptions import NoSearchResults
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from intake_esgf import ESGFCatalog
    import xarray as xr
    import cf_xarray
    import warnings

    # List of available source ids
    valid_source_id = [
        'ACCESS-ESM1-5', 'EC-Earth3-CC', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'CanESM5',
        'MIROC6', 'EC-Earth3', 'CESM2', 'EC-Earth3-Veg', 'NorCPM1'

    # Validate user input
    if not isinstance(source_id, str):
        raise ValueError("Source ID should be a string.")
    if not source_id in valid_source_id:
        raise NoSearchResults("Please use one of the following: "+", ".join(valid_source_id))

    def search_esgf(source_id):

        # Search and load the ocean surface temperature (tos)
        cat = ESGFCatalog(esgf1_indices="anl-dev")
            tos_ds = cat.to_dataset_dict()["tos"]
        except ValueError:
            print(f"Issue with {institution_id} dataset")

        return tos_ds

    def calculate_enso(ds):

        # Subset the El Nino 3.4 index region
        dso = ds.where(
        (["latitude"] < 5) & (["latitude"] > -5) & (["longitude"] > 190) & (["longitude"] < 240), drop=True

        # Calculate the monthly means
        gb = dso.tos.groupby('time.month')

        # Subtract the monthly averages, returning the anomalies
        tos_nino34_anom = gb - gb.mean(dim='time')

        # Determine the non-time dimensions and average using these
        non_time_dims = set(tos_nino34_anom.dims)
        weighted_average = tos_nino34_anom.weighted(ds["areacello"].fillna(0)).mean(dim=list(non_time_dims))

        # Calculate the rolling average
        rolling_average = weighted_average.rolling(time=5, center=True).mean()
        std_dev = weighted_average.std()
        return rolling_average / std_dev

    def add_enso_thresholds(da, threshold=0.4):

        # Conver the xr.DataArray into an xr.Dataset
        ds = da.to_dataset()

        # Cleanup the time and use the thresholds
            ds["time"]= ds.indexes["time"].to_datetimeindex()
        ds["tos_gt_04"] = ("time", ds.tos.where(ds.tos >= threshold, threshold).data)
        ds["tos_lt_04"] = ("time", ds.tos.where(ds.tos <= -threshold, -threshold).data)

        # Add fields for the thresholds
        ds["el_nino_threshold"] = ("time", np.zeros_like(ds.tos) + threshold)
        ds["la_nina_threshold"] = ("time", np.zeros_like(ds.tos) - threshold)

        return ds
    ds = search_esgf(source_id)
    enso_index = add_enso_thresholds(calculate_enso(ds).compute())
    enso_index.attrs = ds.attrs
    enso_index.attrs["model"] = source_id

    return enso_index


Within this demonstration, we remotely triggered a globus-compute function which read, aggregated, and computed ENSO on datasets located on an HPC system. The computations were all done on the server side, with visualization being the only task done locally.

What’s next?

Some existing questions still exist! Mainly:

  • Where do define these functions? How do we ensure these are safe to run?

  • How do we request “service” accounts on other HPC/cloud facilities?

  • What other functions, outside of the typical WPS services, can we define?

  • What other use-cases could this support (ex. kerchunk or zarr creation)?