AGU 2023 Tutorial: Visualizing 2D and 3D Geoscience Data in Python

Set “homeDir” to example data directory

Download example data here

#homeDir = "/Users/pearse/Examples/AGU2023"
homeDir = "/Users/pearse/Downloads/AGU2023"

Create a new Session

from vapor import session
ses = session.Session()
Warning: sysroot "/Applications/" not found (ignoring for now).
Vapor 3.9.0
Python 3.9.18 (/Users/pearse/miniconda3/envs/3.9.1)
OpenGL 4.1 Metal - 83.1

Find documentation


# Renderer  - help(renderer.Renderer)
# Camera    - help(camera.Camera)
# Animation - help(animation.Amimation)
Help on class Session in module vapor.session:

class Session(cppyy.gbl.Session)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Session
 |      cppyy.gbl.Session
 |      cppyy.gbl.CPPInstance
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  CreatePythonDataset(self)
 |      Creates a python dataset or returns one if it already exists for the current session.
 |  DeleteRenderer(self, renderer: vapor.renderer.Renderer)
 |      void Session::DeleteRenderer(String name)
 |  GetAxisAnnotations(self) -> vapor.annotations.AxisAnnotation
 |  GetCamera(self)
 |  GetDataset(self, name) -> vapor.dataset.Dataset
 |  GetDatasets(self)
 |  GetRenderer(self, name)
 |  GetRenderers(self) -> list[vapor.renderer.Renderer]
 |  GetSceneAnnotations(self) -> vapor.annotations.SceneAnnotation
 |  NewRenderer(self, Class: vapor.renderer.Renderer, datasetName: str) -> vapor.renderer.Renderer
 |      std::string Session::NewRenderer(String type, String dataset = "")
 |  OpenDataset(self, datasetType: str, files: list[str])
 |      Open a dataset of type datasetType from a list of files.
 |      A list of supported dataset types can be retrieved from Dataset.GetDatasetTypes()
 |  RenderToImage(self, fast=False) -> <module 'PIL.Image' from '/Users/pearse/miniconda3/envs/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/PIL/'>
 |  SetResolution(self, width, height)
 |  Show(self)
 |  __init__(self)
 |      Session::Session()
 |      Session::Session(const Session&)
 |  getAnimationParams(...)
 |      AnimationParams* __cppyy_internal::Dispatcher1::getAnimationParams()
 |  getGUIStateParams(...)
 |      GUIStateParams* __cppyy_internal::Dispatcher1::getGUIStateParams()
 |  getParamsDatasetInfo(...)
 |      void __cppyy_internal::Dispatcher1::getParamsDatasetInfo(std::string arg0, std::string* arg1, std::vector<std::string>* arg2)
 |  getSettingsParams(...)
 |      SettingsParams* __cppyy_internal::Dispatcher1::getSettingsParams()
 |  getWinName(...)
 |      std::string __cppyy_internal::Dispatcher1::getWinName()
 |  loadAllParamsDatasets(...)
 |      void __cppyy_internal::Dispatcher1::loadAllParamsDatasets()
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __cpp_cross__ = 'Session'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from cppyy.gbl.Session:
 |  CloseAllDatasets(...)
 |      void Session::CloseAllDatasets()
 |  CloseDataset(...)
 |      void Session::CloseDataset(String name)
 |  GetDatasetNames(...)
 |      std::vector<std::string> Session::GetDatasetNames()
 |  GetPythonWinName(...)
 |      std::string Session::GetPythonWinName()
 |  GetRendererNames(...)
 |      std::vector<std::string> Session::GetRendererNames()
 |  GetTimesteps(...)
 |      int Session::GetTimesteps()
 |  Load(...)
 |      int Session::Load(String path)
 |  Render(...)
 |      int Session::Render(String imagePath, bool fast = false)
 |  Reset(...)
 |      void Session::Reset()
 |  Save(...)
 |      int Session::Save(String path)
 |  SetTimestep(...)
 |      void Session::SetTimestep(int ts)
 |  SetWaspMyBaseErrMsgFilePtrToSTDERR(...)
 |      static void Session::SetWaspMyBaseErrMsgFilePtrToSTDERR()
 |  __assign__(...)
 |      Session& Session::operator=(const Session&)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from cppyy.gbl.Session:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from cppyy.gbl.CPPInstance:
 |  __add__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self+value.
 |  __bool__(self, /)
 |      True if self else False
 |  __destruct__(...)
 |      call the C++ destructor
 |  __dispatch__(...)
 |      dispatch to selected overload
 |  __eq__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __ge__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self>=value.
 |  __getitem__(...)
 |      pointer dereferencing
 |  __gt__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self>value.
 |  __hash__(self, /)
 |      Return hash(self).
 |  __invert__(self, /)
 |      ~self
 |  __le__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self<=value.
 |  __lt__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self<value.
 |  __mul__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self*value.
 |  __ne__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self!=value.
 |  __neg__(self, /)
 |      -self
 |  __pos__(self, /)
 |      +self
 |  __radd__(self, value, /)
 |      Return value+self.
 |  __repr__(self, /)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __rmul__(self, value, /)
 |      Return value*self.
 |  __rsub__(self, value, /)
 |      Return value-self.
 |  __rtruediv__(self, value, /)
 |      Return value/self.
 |  __smartptr__(...)
 |      get associated smart pointer, if any
 |  __str__(self, /)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  __sub__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self-value.
 |  __truediv__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self/value.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods inherited from cppyy.gbl.CPPInstance:
 |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from cppyy.CPPScope
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from cppyy.gbl.CPPInstance:
 |  __python_owns__
 |      If true, python manages the life time of this object

Load data

from pathlib import Path
myPath  = homeDir + "/data"
myFiles = [str(file) for file in Path(myPath).rglob('*')]

for file_path in myFiles:

from vapor import dataset
data = ses.OpenDataset(dataset.WRF, myFiles)

Show dataset metadata

Coordinate variables

print("Time Coordinate Variable Name:", data.GetTimeCoordVarName())
print("Coordinate Variable Names:", data.GetCoordVarNames())
Time Coordinate Variable Name: Time
Coordinate Variable Names: ['Time', 'XLAT', 'XLAT_U', 'XLAT_V', 'XLONG', 'XLONG_U', 'XLONG_V', 'bottom_top', 'bottom_top_stag', 'Elevation', 'ElevationU', 'ElevationV', 'ElevationW', 'XLATY', 'XLAT_UY', 'XLAT_VY', 'XLONGX', 'XLONG_UX', 'XLONG_VX']


print("Data Variables:")
for var in data.GetDataVarNames():
    print(f"  {var}")
    print(f"    Time Varying:", bool(data.IsTimeVarying(var)))
    print(f"    Dimensionality:", data.GetVarGeometryDim(var))
    print(f"    Coordinates:", data.GetVarCoordVars(var, True))
    print("     Data Range:", data.GetDataRange(var))
Data Variables:
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 2
    Coordinates: ['XLONGX', 'XLATY']
     Data Range: [0.0, 1.0]
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 2
    Coordinates: ['XLONGX', 'XLATY']
     Data Range: [2244.004638671875, 4026.545654296875]
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 3
    Coordinates: ['XLONGX', 'XLATY', 'ElevationW']
     Data Range: [0.0, 765.3257446289062]
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 3
    Coordinates: ['XLONGX', 'XLATY', 'ElevationW']
     Data Range: [22013.685546875, 52509.6484375]
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 3
    Coordinates: ['XLONG_UX', 'XLAT_UY', 'ElevationU']
     Data Range: [-13.070408821105957, 38.378875732421875]
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 3
    Coordinates: ['XLONG_VX', 'XLAT_VY', 'ElevationV']
     Data Range: [-14.471896171569824, 20.526811599731445]
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 3
    Coordinates: ['XLONGX', 'XLATY', 'ElevationW']
     Data Range: [-11.834917068481445, 11.622491836547852]
    Time Varying: True
    Dimensionality: 3
    Coordinates: ['XLONGX', 'XLATY', 'Elevation']
     Data Range: [-4.964304935128894e-06, 0.0457780659198761]

Create a 2D Data renderer

from vapor import renderer
ren = data.NewRenderer(renderer.TwoDDataRenderer)
ren.SetVariableName("FIRE_AREA") # Set to first 2D data variable

Show the renderer


Apply a height variable


Create an interactive Visualizer with VaporVisualizerWidget()

from jupyter_vapor_widget import *
viz = VaporVisualizerWidget(ses)

Show a Transfer Function

from vapor import utils
utils.ShowMatPlotLibHistogram(ses, ren)

Apply opacity to a Transfer Function

plt = utils.GetMatPlotLibHistogram(ses, ren)
opacities = [(0.2, 0), (0.8, 1)]

Render the current Session in an interactive Visualizer

tf = ren.GetPrimaryTransferFunction()

Load a builtin Transfer Function


Load a Transfer Function that was configured in VAPOR

tf.LoadColormapFromFile( homeDir + "/fireArea.tf3")

Interactive Sliders - Open visualizer_widget_example.ipynb

*** Back to VAPOR for DVR and Python Engine ***

Timeseries Animation

from vapor.animation import Animation
ses.Load( homeDir + "/et_1.vs3")
anim = Animation(ses)
timesteps = ses.GetTimesteps()
for ts in range(0, timesteps):


# Import necessary modules

from vapor import session, camera
# Acquire the camera settings from an initial session file

ses1 = session.Session()
ses1.Load(homeDir + "/et_1.vs3")

cam1 = ses1.GetCamera()
dir1 = cam1.GetDirection()
pos1 = cam1.GetPosition()
up1 = cam1.GetUp()
# Acquire the camera settings from a secondary session file that we will transition into

ses2 = session.Session()
ses2.Load( homeDir + "/et_2.vs3")
cam2 = ses2.GetCamera()
dir2 = cam2.GetDirection()
pos2 = cam2.GetPosition()
up2 = cam2.GetUp()
# Difference between camera positions on each axis
dPositionX  = (pos2[0] - pos1[0])
dPositionY  = (pos2[1] - pos1[1])
dPositionZ  = (pos2[2] - pos1[2])

# Difference between camera direction vectors on each axis
dDirectionX = (dir2[0] - dir1[0])
dDirectionY = (dir2[1] - dir1[1])
dDirectionZ = (dir2[2] - dir1[2])

# Difference between camera up vectors on each axis
dUpX        = (up2[0] - up1[0])
dUpY        = (up2[1] - up1[1])
dUpZ        = (up2[2] - up1[2])
# Perform a linear interoplation between the Camera's start position, direction, and up vector

for i in range(0,steps):
    position = [
    cam1.SetPosition( position )

    direction = [
    cam1.SetDirection( direction )

    up = [
    cam1.SetUp( up )
    ses1.Render( homeDir + "captures/" + str(i) + ".png")

Camera Orbit

# Import necessary modules

import cv2, os
from vapor import session, animation
from numpy import cross, eye, dot, radians, asarray, array
from scipy.linalg import expm, norm
UseValueFromSessionFile = None
# Configure various parameters for rotating the camera around the scene
session_path = homeDir + "/et_2.vs3"
output = "rotation.mp4"
video_framerate = 30
video_resolution = (640, 480)
data_timestep_framerate = 0  # set to zero to disable
duration = 4  # seconds
rotate_speed = 45  # deg/s
rotation_axis = [0,0,1]  # Z (up)
rotation_center = UseValueFromSessionFile  # Can be replaced with [x,y,z] coordinates here
save_individual_frames = False
# Configure our session according to the parameters that were defined above

session_path, output = [os.path.expanduser(p) for p in (session_path, output)]
n_frames = video_framerate * duration

ses = session.Session()
cam = ses.GetCamera()
pos, dir, up, tgt = [asarray(x) for x in [cam.GetPosition(), cam.GetDirection(), cam.GetUp(), cam.GetTarget()]]
if rotation_center:
    tgt = asarray(rotation_center)
# Define a function that returns a matrix exponential for rotating the camera 

def rotation_matrix(axis, theta):
    return expm(cross(eye(3), axis / norm(axis) * theta))
anim = animation.Animation(ses)
for i in range(0, n_frames):
    print(f"Rendering... [{'#'*round(40*i/(n_frames-1))}{' '*round(40*(1-i/(n_frames-1)))}] {100*(i+1)/n_frames:.0f}%", end="\r" if i < n_frames-1 else "\n")

    ses.SetTimestep(int(data_timestep_framerate * i / video_framerate))

    M = rotation_matrix(rotation_axis, radians(rotate_speed) * i / video_framerate)
    cam.SetPosition(dot(M, pos - tgt) + tgt)
    cam.SetDirection(dot(M, dir))
    cam.SetUp(dot(M, up))
    if save_individual_frames:

anim.SaveMP4(output, video_framerate)